FECOFA: « It’s true that I want to fight » Frédéric Kintengie and the temptation to succeed Constant Omari


Frederic Kintengie is one of the few people who could replace Constant Omari. He is known for his outspokenness and his vast experience with Mazembe. The main interested party spoke for the first time on the issue and did not really remove the doubt.

At the end of April, Mr Kintengie took part in a meeting at the Centre Caritas in Kinshasa to review the federation’s texts. Respected, and sometimes feared by his peers, Mazembe’s general secretary was mentioned as a candidate for the post of president of federation. Until December, whether these ambitions were true or just rumours, Mr Kintengie could not run for a position on the executive committee. This was because one of FECOFA statutes prevented him from doing so. Five months later, the situation has taken a new turn.

It’s true that I want to fight

When the FECOFA text was revised, the obstacle was removed. « Before this revision, club managers could not apply because they did not have experience at the head of a sub-delegated entity of federation, today this is no longer the case. Everyone can now apply and I think that’s a good thing, » he confirmed in an interview with FootRDC. Is this enough to give him ideas?

At Mazembe, Frederic Kintengie manages the boat like a captain on board. He has the total confidence of Moïse Katumbi in his ability to manage travel, day-to-day business and recruitment. He is the one who, in a black polo shirt, with a few phones in his hand, with a sure step, surrounded by a few people, coordinates the activities of Stade Mazembe. It was under his supervision that the cameras « state of the art » were installed around the stadium and it was also he who closely followed the installation of the VAR at the stadium in Kamalondo.

Shadow of a doubt

Once the text had been cleared, the boulevard looked empty for the high-profile leader. However, Mr Kintengie, even if he does not hide the temptation to run for the post, does not intend to leave his current position with Mazembe.

« Will Mazembe agree to release me to apply? That is one question. Then, do I really want to? I’m sure I want to fight, there are too many lies in our football, » he asked, without giving an answer.

« I’m not sure if I really want to fight, there are too many lies in our football », he asked, without giving an answer. Perhaps even very early. Mazembe are still playing in the Confederation Cup while negotiations for takeover of Linafoot are going well. For personal reasons, Mr Kintengie believes there are « many lies in Congolese football ». He hesitates.

« For the moment, I still have work to do at Mazembe. It’s not an easy job at Mazembe, you have to have strong shoulders. I can’t have fun, I can’t have a life of my own, » he says, before leaving the doubt. « Many people see me where I am not. I want to help the youth and it’s a shame that our football is floundering. »

Iragi Elisha

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